African-American author, Mercedes Keyes - born in Mississippi, grew up in Chicago, traveled the US living in various central and east coast locations. Spent unforgettable time in the UK as well, which inspired even more works to come. Her first works were the Webster Fields Trilogy, written 1986, followed by Aphrodisiac. She then began Bomaw, never intending it to be anything serious - just an exercise in writing and growth.
Oh my and look at it now. Bomaw has become one of her most demanded reads. That contemporary drama series is followed by another. Her "Cora's daughters - The Fancy Series". That will be a series of six historicals when concerning it - that will be all she wrote. Her greatest joy writes are the historicals. While her imagination might dare to take her anywhere, it will always be with a moral to the story. A lesson to learn, consider and grow from.
Mercedes Keyes knows that the written word is powerful. It can influence what is good and worthy of consideration, or it can influence one towards waste in what is bad. The goal of Amber Swann Publishing Inc - while indeed a producer or fact-fiction and realism - it will always be towards the positive. Towards grappling life's problems and nightmares to roll out a solution or happy ending. Yes, Mercedes Keyes believes in HEA...
Find her on Facebook with "Amber Swann Publishing Inc." Google+ Mercedes Keyes, Twitter @mercyk, Goodreads and SheWrites. Or her website, - Current project, a historical surrounding the genocide of the Irish and their time as slaves... "Saoirse..."