Ryszard Praszkier


Ryszard Praszkier, Ph.D., is a researcher at University of Warsaw. His main field of interest involves research on the mechanisms of profound peaceful transitions, including social change facilitated by social or business entrepreneurs. Dr. Praszkier has authored and co-authored several academic publications about social entrepreneurs and how they find innovative ways to address pressing, yet seemingly insurmountable and intractable problems. He authored and co-authored several academic books and articles. One of the books Social Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice was published by Cambridge University Press. On the practical side of his interests, Dr. Praszkier has worked for more than two decades for Ashoka: Innovators for the Public, an international association that promotes social innovators in over 80 countries. He has been a second-opinion reviewer for more than 100 candidates to Ashoka Fellowship on nearly all continents.


