Honoree Corder

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Transformational and informational books for aspiring writers, professionals, and entrepreneurs!

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Executive Book Producer and Author Honorée Corder has written more than 60 nonfiction books, including the You Must Book Business Series (You Must Write a Book, You Must Market Your Book, and You Must Monetize Your Book), Write Your First Nonfiction Book, The Bestselling Book Formula, There is No Such Thing as Writer's Block, Tall Order, Vision to Reality, and Business Dating, The Prosperous Writer series, The Successful Single Mom series, and many more. She was the co-creator of The Miracle Morning book series.

She helps professionals to craft, write, publish, and monetize a revenue-generating business asset in the form of a book with her bespoke book publishing service.

She's also the founder of the Empire Builders Mastermind, and the creator of books, courses, and resources for aspiring authors and entrepreneurs alike. Be sure to check out her daily newsletter with actionable tips to help you write, publish and monetize your book, turn it into multiple income streams (and so much more).

She's known for her no-nonsense approach to business and the business of writing. With her background as a business and executive coach and professional speaker, she brings knowledge, expertise, and unbridled enthusiasm to her own books, courses, mastermind, and her bespoke book projects. She lives with her husband, two dogs, and cat in the woods in middle Tennessee, and is working on her next book right now.
