Jonathan Kruk

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Jonathan Kruk was born an army brat in El Paso Texas, but he grew up in Westchester County New York on tall tales and daydreams. He earned degrees in English and Educational Theater, watered Henry Kissinger's office plants and became full-time professional children's storyteller in 1989.

Mr. Kruk's been performing solo shows of "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and "A Christmas Carol" for Historic Hudson Valley since 2010.

His eight recordings earned Parent's Choice and N.A.P.P.A honors awards. "CBS Sunday Morning" featured Jonathan in a piece on the American storytelling movement. He was selected "Best Storyteller" in the Hudson Valley and presented with a citizens medal by the National Sons of the American Revolution. He performs at schools, historic sites, libraries and other venues. Mr. Kruk is the author of "Legends and Lore of Sleepy Hollow and the Hudson Valley" and "Legends and Lore of the Hudson Highlands" History Press folklore books for adults.
