Guy Steven Needler is an author and healer who has learnt how to explore the realities above our physical existence. To share his gift, he writes books and teaches workshops, performs healings, readings and lectures worldwide. Guy’s books illustrate his discoveries helping you to understand what’s behind religion or spiritual content. His workshops teach you, to contact your true self, and the ‘Greater Reality’. Initially trained in electrical engineering he was always aware of a greater reality. In his teens he meditated, until his guides told him to focus on his earthly contribution. He concentrated on his work and University education. In his late thirties, he felt the call to spirit. The next 6 years led to becoming a Reiki Master, learning energy and vibrational therapy techniques and membership to the Complimentary Medical association (CMA), Guy's readings and healings are popular world-wide with the use of Skype. Guy discovered a way to transport his consciousness to the highest dimension where god and the co-creators exist. He discovered many things about the “greater reality”, illustrated in his first book ‘The History of God’, which explains where god came from, the creation of the universes and the purpose of life on Earth. He developed a meditation toolkit known as ‘Traversing the Frequencies’ (TTF) workshops. TTF teach how to explore the frequency levels above the physical up to levels where other universes and energetic entities reside. These workshops are very well received and are delivered on a world-wide basis. Guy now has 4 more published books, ‘Beyond the Source – Books 1 & 2’ (June 2012, July 2013), and ‘Avoiding Karma' (March 2014), ‘The Origin Speaks’ (July 2015). Guy was privileged to work in partnership with Dolores Cannon on the highly successful New Earth Cruise in 2012 and is invited to the 2014 Holy Land Cruise. He has presented at all ‘Transformation Conferences; since 2011.