Educated in UK and Nigeria, Jay holds degrees in Estate Management, and in Surveying and Geodesy. His professional career of over two decades as geophysical seismic surveyor involved duty tours into remote and unexplored terrains of Sudan, Yemen and Nigeria, while working for multinational oil companies. Those solitary trips into Mother Nature in its pure nakedness, and the resulting abstinence from normal social interactions, not only kindled his interest in, but also empowered his study into the innate powers of Man and Nature. Jay is a friend of Youths. His earlier work - The WEALTH SECRETS You Must Know Before40 - is a best-selling knowledge book also available on Amazon, and a must-read for every aspiring youth. Jay writes the SacredCouples Blog ( A Sacred Relationships BLOG. He is also the publisher of AbaBusinessPAGES (, which is a popular combination of Business Directory and Business PAGES. He enjoys reading, writing and gardening of rare and exotic plants.