Hello, I'm John Chadwell and I'm glad you've dropped in. I am president of Chadwell Communications. Under that banner I've worked as a freelance photojournalist, copywriter and scriptwriter. I also write books. So far, I've published eight novels on Amazon.
I've just completed my latest book, "The War Elephant," which will be my first book to go through a publisher. It's a different take on the story about Hannibal going to war against Rome by way of the Alps and taking 37 elephants with him. My take is from the perspective of a teenage Carthaginian boy who is autistic. He bonds with an elephant and slowly adapts to a more normal way of life. They are recruited into Hannibal's army and take part in the war. It was written for an older teen and young adult market. It's due to be published in 2025.
A little about myself: I was born in San Antonio, Texas, the product of one of those World War II romances; well, my parents were married at the time, but not for long.
Mom, me and my brother led a nomadic life and I believe I attended 14 different schools growing up. After I graduated high school in 1964, I was looking out the window of the restaurant I had worked at for five years and thought there must be more to life. I also had the draft hanging over my head, so one summer afternoon I walked into the Navy Recruiting office and told the guy behind the desk that I wanted to leave town as soon as possible. Two days later, I was headed for bootcamp in San Diego.
That was one of those paths in life I've never regretted taking. I spent 20 years in the Navy, most of it as a photojournalist. The defining period was the year I spent at the University of Southern California studying filmmaking. From that point on, I was hooked on writing and have made my living one way or another writing for companies, newspapers and magazines. I've freelanced as a copywriter and scriptwriter all along the way.
In 1988, I got involved in rewriting the script, Space Patrol, released as Midnight Movie Massacre. The film was produced, and it was terrible, but what the heck, it got produced, as some people like to say. Over the years or so I've penned or rewrote 20 scripts. My next produced script was God's Club, produced by Nasser Entertainment and released in 2015.
Meanwhile, my main writing gig is reporting, working as a freelance photojournalist. On July 28, 2023, I retired again after 50 years as a freelance writer.
My books include Hunt of the Sea Wolves, Pershing-The Soldiers' General, Werewolves of New Idria: Holy Warriors, Last Sunrise, Legends and Liars, Major Crime Unit: Operation Casablanca, The Kid and Wild Bill, and most recently, "Ghost of The U-85." My next book will be the second of the Werewolves of New Idria line, tentatively titled, "The Unknown Crusader."
Recently, Werewolves of New Idria was optioned by Oceania Omnimedia and will hopefully become a TV or film series. That's the plan, anyway.