I never wanted to be someone who teaches religion. Never. But when I saw that no one else was speaking about the Sabbatical and Jubilee Cycles and how they revealed end-time prophecy, I could no longer remain silent.
As I explained my findings to people over and over they told me I had to write each of the books that I have now put out there.
In The Prophecies of Abraham, I was trying to explain everything I understood in one book. Even then I left out many things that I assumed everyone already knew. To my amazement, they did not. This book compares various prophetic Jubilee Cycles with our current 120th one. Luke speaks of the days of Noah and of Lot. This is only understood when you see each of their Jubilee Cycles and compare it to our own. Then that scripture makes so much more sense.
Because so few people could understand how The Prophecies of Abraham came up with the Sabbatical and Jubilee years I went into great detail and explain how to know when each and every Sabbatical and Jubilee Year was. In Remembering the Sabbatical Year of 2016, we do exactly that. We walk the reader through each step in understanding how to figure this subject out. At the time of that writing, we had 12 Biblical and historical facts to work with. Since then until now 2021, we have gathered a total of 89 historical and Biblical facts to prove all of our dates correct. A book on this will come soon I hope.
Once you see the charts for the Jubilee Cycles you can then see how they explain the meaning of the 70 Weeks of Daniel which were sealed until the time of the end. That time is right now.
These end-time prophecies needed another book to explain them in great detail. Our 3rd book The 2300 Days of Hell does this and is so good at explaining this subject that it terrifies those who finish the book. They now see many things on the nightly news that this book explains is happening now. The deception of the Paris Accord, the Rise of Military strength in the EU and Iran and China. What does it all mean?
Our 4th book The Blood Moons-The Elephant in the Room, is only available through our web site sightedmoon.com so far. It shows you how there were blood moons on each of the Jewish Holy Days in the spring and in the fall just before almost every major event in the bible, all the way back to just before the death of Adam. It is a stunning book which can only be explained when you understand the Jubilee Cycles.
I was convinced of the need to write our 5th book It Was A Riddle Not A Command because many people would write us and say No Man Knows the Day or the Hour, and therefore you cannot know these end-time prophecies you are teaching in your other books.
It was always disappointing to see this response as it showed us they would not and could not learn any more than what they had already come to understand at their local church or assembly. They had stopped growing. They had never learned what that expression they so often use was actually telling them the very day our Messiah was going to come back on.
In order to prove to you what this Hebrew idiom actually does mean we must look at a few other subjects which will again deepen your understanding of the time when our Messiah was killed and of what is meant by Revelation 12. You will also learn that Yehshua always spoke in parables in public to purposely not reveal the information He was teaching about to the public. He wanted them to remain ignorant because they would not take the time to learn about Him in more detail.
I hope you are not like that. I hope you will be just like the wise virgins who bought extra oil so that they had it when they needed it. They had to go buy the oil because they did not have enough.
This then brings us to the our 6th book The Mystery of the Jewish Rapture 2033. Back in our 1st book The Prophecies of Abraham we explained this. We then explained it again in The 2300 Days of Hell. In The Mystery of the Jewish Rapture 2033 we drill down on the Rapture itself and show you exactly where it is explained and the very day and year it is to take place on as your Bible shows you. Our book It Was A Riddle Not A Command also tells you the very day our Messiah is to come, so these two books answer that burning desire most Christains have as to when these things are to take place.
We have also now published the TImelines Since Adam in which we show all 120 Jubilee Cycles with footnotes. It is a must have.
The Restoration of All Things was published in August 2022 as part one of our Elijah Trilogy. Yehshua said that Elijah must come first and he would restore all things, and then the Messiah would come. So what are the all things that have been lost and who is restoring those things today? Once we know what to look for, then we can see those who are restoring what was lost.
Book two in the Elijah Trilogy is The Abomination That Makes Desolate-The Countdown Has Begun. Released January 1, 2023, it shows you how to know when the Abomination will be set up. Yes the countdown to the Abomination is already winding down. Most have no clue because they are not looking, having not seen any of the works Yehovah is doing right now worldwide. Yes we fully expect the Abomination to be set up in 2023.
Our third book of the Elijah Trilogy is expected to come out in 2023 and is titled The 10 Days of Awe. This book will explain the final 10 years before Satan is locked away and the connection to the curses of Revelation. Read the first two books before this one is released shortly. The five foolish virgins have no idea about any of these things. The five wise understand them. Which one are you.
We hope you will read all our books and get your oil level topped up so that you can learn these truths and break the curse for not obeying.
Order your copies now.
Be on the lookout for The 89 Sabbatical Year Proofs, which put all in one place all the proofs we now have about the Sabbatical and Jubilee years. And also The 10 Days of Awe and the gods of Egypt in which we will show how the plagues of Egypt are here today and how they are matching the plagues of Revelation.