Heather Lagan (1959 - ) is of Irish descent and lives on the West Coast of Canada where she practices and studies all things metaphysical and spiritual, an urge which began as a child and culminated in her seemingly pre-ordained discovery of the almost defunct Chaldean Numerology system, which origins can be traced to Babylonian times.
Heather spent the next twenty years studying, simplifying, and then applying this unique, mystical, and eerily accurate system to the names and birthdates of hundreds of clients, during which time she recorded all she had learned of this sacred alpha-numerology method, which in turn lead to the publication of her first book: 'Chaldean Numerology: How Your Name and Birthday Reveal Your True Nature and Life Path' under Llewellyn's popular Beginners Series in 2011/12.
Heather continues her spiritual quest and encourages others to find and follow their own Life Paths...and Chaldean Numerology is the ideal place to start.