Astra Niedra

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Astra Niedra is a facilitator and teacher of Voice Dialogue, Relationship and the Psychology of Selves, a unique personal growth method that involves working with the many parts, or selves, of the psyche. (If you've seen the Inside Out movies, with the characters learning to manage their inner selves, that's what Voice Dialogue is all about.) Astra trained directly with the founders of Voice Dialogue, Drs Hal and Sidra Stone, and has been doing this consciousness work for about 35 years.

Astra has a Bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney, with a double major in Philosophy. She was once Editor of WellBeing magazine (30 years ago) when vitamin supplements and yoga were still considered alternative, has trained in Reiki I and II, and has been practicing yoga and meditation since her early 20s.

She has been married to her husband for 30 years, with whom she has three children.

Through her website (voicedialogue dot com) and books Astra shares how to use the ideas and techniques from Voice Dialogue in day-to-day life.

You'll find help with relationships, decision-making, stress-relief, balancing competing needs, perfectionism and inner criticism, creative expression, parenting challenges, and more.

Voice Dialogue leads to greater awareness, understanding and compassion (for oneself and others), inner balance and wholeness, and ultimately more conscious choice in how we express ourselves and lead our lives. It's a game-changer in relationships.

Hal and Sidra Stone highly recommend Astra's work, and the late Shakti Gawain considered Voice Dialogue one of the most powerful tools she had ever discovered.
