Alan Wheatley

Alan Wheatley profile image


Alan Wheatley is a retired broadcaster, high school teacher, journalist, and tertiary media lecturer.

He spent more than twenty years as a broadcaster, copy-writer and radio station manager, before becoming a radio and TV journalist. In that time, he collected several awards for on air presentation, commercial creative writing and news coverage from his time reporting from the remote North West of Western Australia.

In the early nineties he established a successful broadcasting and journalism training institute in New Zealand, which quickly became the premium supplier of new broadcasting and journalism talent to the electronic media industry for nearly fifteen years.

It was that love of teaching that saw him move into formal high school teaching and for the next twenty years he taught History, English, and Media Studies at several New Zealand high schools, before retiring a few years ago.

Following on from a successful autobiographical publication in 2011, “A Matter of Time” is his first foray into fiction.
