Linda Elovitz Marshall

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I have always loved words. My parents said I spoke in full sentences before I was a year old. They also said I didn’t walk until I was two.

I was still a baby when I saw a TV commercial about a vacuum cleaner and its expandable bag. That night, my parents begged me to eat “just one more bite.” I refused. Using a phrase I’d learned from the vacuum cleaner commercial, I explained, “My stomach is fully expanded.” My parents laughed…and I was saved from having to eat that dreadful “one more bite.”

My love of words extended to foreign languages. I was one of those kids who loved school. I loved Hebrew school, too. Learning Hebrew taught me that words can be composed of roots and that those roots can change, often in predictable ways. I noticed some of the rules I’d learned in Hebrew applied to English, too. I also love word games, puzzles, and etymology, learning about the origins of words.

Some of my other favorite things include being outside, exploring, and being around animals. When I was a child, I wanted a horse. I didn’t get one. But when I grew up, my husband and I moved to a farm. That’s where we raised our four children…and sheep, chickens, and rabbits. It’s also where some of my stories are based.

I also love teaching and have taught all ages, from babies through college. I’ve taught parents, too.

When I write stories, I combine so many of the things I love. I’m always learning and exploring…and having a fabulous time! For more information, please visit my website:
