Bishop Tudor Bismark resides in Harare, Zimbabwe, which is in the southern region of the continent of Africa.
He and his wife, ChiChi, founded Jabula - New Life Ministries International in 1989, initially as an extension of New Life Covenant Church in Harare.
Bishop Bismark serves as an Apostolic overseer to over 900 churches in 12 African nations, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, South America, the West Indies and the United States of America. In addition to providing full time financial support to hundreds of pastors and churches, the ministry is responsible for the operation of an extensive Medical Assistance Program, orphanages and other humanitarian outreaches in Southern Africa.
Bishop Bismark travels extensively functioning in the role of an Apostle and is sounding a clear voice in this season that it is time for God's people to establish His kingdom in the earth. His teachings are changing the way that ministry is being done in the 21st century and his wisdom concerning global trends is transforming the minds and hearts of countless pastors and leaders around the world.