Germano Dalcielo is 41 years old. He is Italian from La Spezia, on the Gulf of Poets. He has been writing since he was thirteen, especially thriller novels and spy stories. In October 2008, he published "Il gene dell'azzardo", a short autobiography about his gambling addiction in 2000-2006. There is now a second edition of this book titled "Il giocatore - Il virus dell'azzardo". Unfortunately, it is only available in Italian. In 2010, he published the religious thriller "A hell of a secret: Jesus Christ exposed" (aka "The Sinner"), ranking among the Top 100 best sellers in the Italian Kindle store for three months in a row. In October 2011, he wrote a series of weird tales and ghost stories, "Lettere dal buio", also available in English as "Darkness, come on in". Writing is his life; it makes him feel happy and complete. It dignifies him. When he writes, he feels like he is not alone.