Cornelia Watkins


CORNELIA WATKINS teaches pedagogy at the Bienen School of Music, Northwestern University, and has been a private cello instructor for forty years, most of those in Houston TX, where she was preparatory instructor and Lecturer in Music at the Shepherd School of Music, Rice University. Her passion for pedagogy has led her to present teaching clinics and master classes across the country, including educational sessions at nearly every ASTA national conference since 2003. In 2019 she was the featured Pre-College Master Class clinician, and this past year she offered a session on a "Bach Treasure Hunt" for those who want to teach more than just the notes when introducing students to the Suites. (Go to for more information and worksheets.) Corky is on the committee of Wisconsin CMP (Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance), an organization which promotes excellence in all areas of music teaching. She has written several articles for American String Teacher, Wisconsin School Musician, and The Strad and is the author of two books, Rosindust: Teaching, Learning and Life from a Cellist’s Perspective, and, with co-author Laurie Scott, From the Stage to the Studio: How Fine Musicians Become Great Teachers. After many years in Houston TX, Corky and her cellist husband Max Dyer moved to Madison WI in 2018. They have 3 sons, Daniel, Jeremy, and Michael.


