Peter Sykes


Peter Sykes has written and published four novels, 'The Year of Eric's Hat', 'Sunday with the Devil' and 'Flying Babies' (and a fourth under a pen name). 'Inside Happiness' is a passion project for Pete and his first foray into the self-help genre. Pete is a humanitarian expert, novelist, and self-development writer with over 30 years of experience counselling, coaching, and leading teams in extremely challenging environments worldwide. His global adventures and observations have equipped him with deep insights into human trauma, resilience, growth, and well-being. Drawing on his own journey of professional development, crisis, and addiction recovery, he offers practical, credible, science-backed strategies for cultivating happiness and contentment. If you’re ready to explore a pragmatic, self-directed, and transformative path to lasting happiness, check out Inside Happiness, a comprehensive guide to inner peace and durable contentment.

