Thomas Celentano has published seven books and multiple articles about English grammar for English students worldwide. His 810-page "The Big Book of English Grammar" is a culmination of his work. He is also the author, under separate pen names, behind two novels and a book on natural remedies.
He has taught English as a second language for more than 20 years and has held directorships in various ESL schools over his career. A magna cum laude graduate of the University of Hawaii, at Manoa, he holds degrees in foreign language studies and anthropology. The author currently teaches one-on-one English lessons, over the Internet, to select students worldwide.
An avid surfer, sailor and adventurer, he has spent years crisscrossing the South Pacific Ocean on his 8.3 meter sailboat, Carrie Ann, capturing, on photographic film and in audio recordings, the sights and sounds of island communities there.