Having established himself as not only the #1 money earner in his chosen network marketing opportunity, but as a perennial seven figure earner in the industry as a whole, Presley Swagerty, “The Coach,” can often be heard reminding huge audiences that “we can’t make a new beginning, but we can all make a new ending.” Now everyone can carry The Coach’s proven methods and techniques in one easy-to-read playbook that not only reveals how he did it, but reminds us with real life success stories that we can, too!
A sought after author, speaker and mentor, The Coach, has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people who want to transcend average and ordinary. Countless everyday folks just like you have summoned the resolve, made a decision, and have taken the action steps outlined by The Coach to find great success in the world of network marketing. Do you have what it takes?
If you have big dreams, the will to win, and a sincere desire to help others along your journey, then this book is just for you. The Coach hopes you will be the next Millionaire by halftime.