I was born about 50 years ago and worked practically my entire life in the construction industry, building and remodeling homes. Some of the books I've written provide readers with how-to information, while others delve into speculative thinking and rational thought.
I am also interested in religion, spirituality and of course in the expansion of human rights. I don't belong to any organization, religion or clubs.
I'm an avid reader and writer. To give you a general idea, I've written over 40 books in less than five years and average reading or listening to at least one audio book, each week.
Feel free to visit my website for more information and it can be found by simply typing my name into any search engine.
Practically every book I've written associated with religion and Christianity are specifically geared to motivate believers to start thinking about their beliefs. Remember, a belief can only be turned into a fact with rational evidence.
What can be asserted without proof, can be dismissed without proof. Quote from unknown author.