FRED FORNICOLA is a Fitness Professional and the owner of Fit by Fred in Asbury Park, New Jersey ( Fred has been involved in the field of strength and fitness for over 35 years and has authored more than 250 articles on strength and fitness. He has been featured in numerous publications including Coach and Athletic Director, Hard Gainer and Master Trainer and is currently a contributing writer for "Breaking Muscle". Fred was one of the contributing authors of the book Get Fit New Jersey! and co-authored the best-selling book Dumbbell Training for Strength and Fitness, Youth Fitness: An Action Plan For Shaping America's Kids and 50 Workouts for Strength and Fitness: Safe, Efficient and Effective Training with Free Weights with Matt Brzycki. Fred is also the editor-in-chief for Strength and Fitness for a Lifetime: How We Train Now as well as the High Performance Training Newsletter. Fred also co-authored the YouthFIT Certification Program.