David Salomon

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David Salomon is a lifelong photographer, part-time writer, and full-time real estate developer from Dallas, Texas.

David has always loved animals and has a knack for taking pictures. After being struck by "penguin-mania" while visiting Chilean Patagonia, David spent the next two summers sailing the southern oceans to photograph all seventeen penguin species in the wild. He also launched a massive search to personally verify old and new information about these graceful birds. His photos were combined with the most up-to-date research to create Penguin-Pedia, the most comprehensive penguin book available today.

Visit Penguin-Pedia.com and Facebook.com/PenguinPedia for more information!

In 2014 Salomon published Igor Samsonov: Painter and Passionate Visionary, a book which showcases the work of Russian painter Igor Samsonov.

Random House published David's first children's book "Penguins!" on October 10, 2017 as part of their Step into Reading series for children. "Penguins!" follows a penguin couple through their efforts to raise a chick and uses David's original photographs of Chinstrap penguins in the wild. It is a Step 2 Reader, which uses basic vocabulary and short sentences to tell simple stories, intended for children who recognize familiar words and can sound out new words with help.
