Edward J. McFadden III’s recent novels include Dogs Get Ten Lives, Quick Sands – A Theo Ramage Thriller, Drop Off, Jurassic Ark, Keepers of the Flame, Throwback, Sea Tremors, Primeval Valley, Shadow of the Abyss (#1 Amazon Bestseller), Awake, and The Breach (#1 Amazon Bestseller, Amazon #1 Hot New Audio Release), The Black Death of Babylon and HOAXERS. Ed is also the author/editor of: Anywhere But Here, Lucky 13, Jigsaw Nation, Deconstructing Tolkien: A Fundamental Analysis of The Lord of the Rings (re-released in eBook format Fall 2012 – Amazon Bestseller), Time Capsule, Epitaphs (W/ Tom Piccirilli), The Second Coming, Thoughts of Christmas, and The Best of Pirate Writings. His short stories have appeared in over 75 magazines and anthologies. He lives on Long Island with his wife Dawn, and their daughter Samantha.