Oliver Laasch


Editor of the United Nations Principles of Responsible Management (PRME) Collection and Director of the Center for Responsible Management Education (CRME) Oliver Laasch is a professor of responsible business at the Monterrey Institute of Technology. He also is professor and academic coordinator for the Masters Program in Responsible Management at Steinbeis University in Berlin. Oliver is co-leader of the United Nations PRME Working Group on Executive Education, co-editor of the guide Implementing PRME in Executive Education, and lead author of the first PRME textbook to be published. Oliver has contributed to landmark publications in responsible business, such as the A-Z of Corporate Social Responsibility and has published to mainstream responsible management in scientific journals such as in Business Communications Quarterly. As a trainer, coach and consultant in responsible business, Oliver has collaborated with more than 100 businesses from small entrepreneurs to multinational corporations. His broad teaching experiences in responsible business includes full courses in sustainable development, sustainable leadership, social entrepreneurship, environmental economics, social- and cause-related marketing, sustainable innovation, ethics management, and international norms in responsible business.


