I have been in personal development communities since 2007 and have learned a lot as well as assisting in helping people transform their lives. I enjoy doing that quite a bit. I'm passionate about living the best life possible, not according to predetermined rules, but the ones I decide on. A big part of living the best life possible is financially supporting yourself and your family. I'm the kind of person who doesn't agree with working for someone else. That's the riskiest proposition ever. You give up direct control over your financial future in doing so. Instead of being paid for my time which is limited, I'd rather be paid from my value added which is limitless. Employers can be of assistance in finding total financial autonomy, but they are a pit stop, not the destination. I have been involved with selling whole life insurance policy packages for quite some time now. From the inside of the industry, I've seen the many misconceptions the public has about it. Also, I've seen agents unfairly mislead their potential clients purposefully, which gives us all a bad name. One of my goals was to arm the public with something easy and straightforward that they can use when making decisions onwhole life insurance policy packages versus term life insurance coverage so they can make the most educated decisions possible. Most people get there education from the seller which is not a real education at all. It's like letting McDonald's teach you about nutrition. My goal is to give people complicated information in a basic easy to follow format, that knocks away all the mystery and leaves you with understanding and the confidence as well as ability to take action. My passions and interests vary on many topics that I'm certain I can add value with. From music to dealing with law enforcement, I've researched the best information out there and put it to the test. I wrote about it to document the knowledge to share with others. That is the goal of my books. I'm certain you'll enjoy.