Leopoldo A. Sanchez M.


Leopoldo (Leo) Sánchez is Professor of Systematic Theology, and the Werner R.H. and Elizabeth R. Krause Professor of Hispanic Ministries, at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Leo was born in Concepción, Chile and raised in Panama City, Republic of Panama. In 2016, he received a prestigious Louisville Institute Sabbatical Grant for Researchers. He has served as a speaker and colloquy participant for events of the Wabash Center For Teaching and Learning Theology and Religion. As a doctoral student, he was the recipient of a 3-year grant from the Hispanic Theological Initiative of the Pew Charitable Trusts. Dr. Sánchez has been teaching systematic theology at Concordia Seminary since 2004 and was appointed Director of its Center for Hispanic Studies (CHS) in 2006. Main interests are in pneumatology (doctrine of the Holy Spirit), Spirit Christology, Trinitarian theology, sanctification, and issues related to Hispanic/Latino theology and missions (e.g., immigration, poverty and marginality). He is an avid student of music and principal double-bass player with the St. Louis Civic Orchestra.



