I write Heroic Fantasy, Space Opera, Sword & Planet Sci-Fi, Sword and Sorcery Fantasy, Horror, and Children's Books. Here's a little bit more about me.
MAD SHADOWS - BOOK 1: THE WEIRD TALES OF DORGO THE DOWSER, is my first novel, now published in a brand-new, revised third edition by Pulp. It's epic Sword & Sorcery - Heroic Fantasy with a film noir edge. (Winner of the 2017 Golden Books Reader's Choice Award for Best Fantasy.)
MAD SHADOWS - BOOK 2: THE ORDER OF THE SERPENT, my fourth novel, was a semifinalist for the 2017 Golden Quill Award for Best Fantasy. It's another Heroic Fantasy with a film noir twist, with more magic, murder, mystery and mayhem all brought to you courtesy of Dorgo the Dowser.
MAD SHADOWS-BOOK 3: THE HEROES OF ECHO GATE. Filled with action, magic, monsters, mystery and mayhem — and an unforgettable cast of characters, The Heroes of Echo Gate is an epic of Heroic Fantasy, a perilous journey of discovery, and an adventure unlike anything Dorgo has ever known.
THREE AGAINST THE STARS is my second novel, an old-fashioned space opera. It's available now in both paperback and Kindle editions.
THE MECHMEN OF CANIS-9 is my seventh novel. This is the long-awaited sequel to my "Three Against The Stars." It's an action-packed interplanetary adventure that pays tribute to every sea- and space-faring story that inspired it.
WATERS OF DARKNESS, co-authored with David C. Smith, (Dark Muse, Call of Shadows, Fall of the First World Trilogy), is a swashbuckling pirate adventure of swords, sorcery, and Lovecraftian horror.
THREE GHOSTS IN A BLACK PUMPKIN is my first collaboration with acclaimed author and illustrator, Erika M Szabo. This is also my first children's book, appropriate for ages 6 - 14, and adults may enjoy it, too. This is fantasy about two cousins, Nikki and Jack, who find a talking wind chime in the shape of a silver skeleton named Wishbone Jones, and a black pumpkin in which the ghosts of the three good Wishmothers have been imprisoned. To free them, Nikki Jack travel to the magical world of Creepy Hollow, where they face all sorts of dangers and tests, and along the way, learn a few lessons about life and growing up. (Winner of the 2017 Golden Books Judge's Choice Award for Best Children's Fantasy.)
THE POWER OF THE SAPPHIRE WAND is the sequel to Erika M. Szabo's and my children's fantasy, the award-winning "Three Ghosts in a Black Pumpkin." Return with to Creepy Hollow with Nikki and Jack. Join with them and their old friends, Wishbone, Ghoulina and Catman as the race against time to save the ecology and environment of Creepy Hollow from Evila the Grim Witch and her minions, the giant Mutanto and his werewolf henchman, Howler. Find out the truth behind what really happened to Nikki's parents 12 years ago.
"The Blood of the Lion," my first sword and soul heroic fantasy tale, appears in the Sword and Soul Fantasy anthology GRIOTS 2: SISTERS OF THE SPEAR, edited by Charles Saunders and Milton Davis.
For Janet Morris' long-running HEROES IN HELL series, I have written: "We The Furious," and "Undertaker's Holiday" (this one in collaboration with Shebat Legion) which appear in POETS IN HELL; "Hell On A Technicality" for DOCTORS IN HELL; "The Pirates of Penance" for PIRATES IN HELL; "Withering Blights," for LOVERS IN HELL; "The Colossus of Hell," for MYSTICS IN HELL; "Hell's Bells," for LIARS IN HELL; and "The Tarnished Horde," in collaboration with S.E. Lindberg, and my own war story, "From Hell to Eternity," for MONSTERS IN HELL. All are available in paperback and Kindle editions.
My story, "Sinbad and the Golden Fleece" appears in the shared-world anthology, SINBAD: THE NEW VOYAGES, Vol 4, published by Airship 27 Productions.
My story, "The Dragon's Horde" appears in HEROIKA: DRAGON EATERS. This is a brand-new series of all-original Heroic Fantasy tales created and edited by author Janet Morris and published by Perseid Press. Available in paperback and Kindle editions.
My story, "Queen of Toads," appears in the Kindle Bundle Rabbit bundle-pack, HERE BE GHOSTS, a Kindle-only anthology of 12 diverse tales of horror and the supernatural.
My sword and sorcery short story, "The Vampire Tree," appears in SAVAGE REALMS MONTHLY, for March 2022.
My collaboration with Shebat Legion, "Samuel Meant Well versus the Little Black Cloud of the Apocalypse," appears in the shared-world anthology, SHA'DAA TOYS.
My comical short story, "Just Another Day in Heaven" appears in Unbreakable Ink (volume one)
I have poetry, haiku, and a short fable in the anthology, Stand Together: A Collection of Poems and Short Stories for Ukraine.
My short story, "The Goblin Herd," appears in Legion Press, An Anthology of Speculative Fiction, for which I also have the honor of having written the introduction.
"Hello, My Name is Max, and I Have Autism: An Insight into the Autistic Mind," written and with drawings by Max Miller. Foreword and Afterword by his Mom, Rebecca Miller.
"Being Max's Mom," by Rebecca Miller. This is Rebecca's very personal story of bringing her son, Max, into the world, of his being diagnosed with autism at the age of 4, and how she fought to do the best and find the best for her son.
"Libertine: Awakenings," a wonderful psychosexual drama written by Cat Ravenelle.
"The Kitchen Imps," and "Tales of Erana: The Warrior's Curse," by A.L. Butcher.
"Vampire Therapy: The Chronicles of the Cat's Ass Boutique ~ Seasons and Reasons ~" by Shebat Legion, as well as her children's book, "The Fork Tree."
"MeToo, The Annoying Little Sister," by Erika M. Szabo.