Chris Maxwell joined Emmanuel University as Director of Spiritual Life and Campus Pastor in 2006 after pastoring in Orlando FL for 19 years. Chris and his wife, Debbie, a teacher, have three sons (Taylor, Aaron and Graham) and nine grandchildren. Chris speaks around the world in churches, retreat centers, conferences, and medical conventions. His 12th and latest book, "Things We've Handed Down: Twelve Letters I Leave for You," uses some of the favorite books Chris has read to reveal how they influenced his life and what he can "hand down" to readers. "Equilibrium: 31 Ways to Stay Balanced on Life's Uneven Surfaces" offers practical suggestions on how to make wise decisions when we feel out of balance. His book "embracing now: pain, joy, healing, living," is a collection of 100 poems. The book "a slow and sudden God: 40 years of wonder," is a collection of poetic reflections of life written through four decades. "Underwater: When Encephalitis, Brain Injury, and Epilepsy Change Everything," helps readers understand the painful adventure of many people who struggle. "Pause with Jesus: Entering His Story in Everyday Life," enters the stories of Jesus walking with His disciples, loving those unloved by others, and leaving the crowd to get time alone with the Father. In his book "Pause for Pastors: Finding Still Waters in the Storm of Ministry," Chris offers life-lessons from his own years as a pastor to help other pastors find rest in the stress of their vocation. "Pause for Moms" encourages mothers (and everyone) to enjoy each moment in a hurried world. Those three follow the first in his Pause Series - "Pause: The Secret to a Better Life, One Word at a Time." The stories, questions, and spiritual exercises guide readers to a greater understanding of how God is with us in everyday life experiences. His book "Unwrapping His Presence" is a collection of stories and poems for the Christmas season, a difficult time for many people. It contains honest words of hope, reminding readers of Christ's entry into our world and our lives. "Changing My Mind" chronicles Chris' battle with the life-changing experience of encephalitis and the long-term effects of epilepsy. God has used his disability to bring hope to many hurting people. His first book, "Beggars Can Be Chosen," uses the narratives of Jesus inviting people to follow Him to teach much about Christ's method of evangelism. In addition to being an author of those books, Chris writes articles, reviews, curriculum, poetry, songs, commercials and speeches for various magazines, publishing companies, websites, and newspapers. He has also served as editor or ghostwriter for over forty books, and written chapters and devotionals for other books, including Traci Mullins' "A Grandmother's Touch."