NÚRIA AÑÓ (1973) is a translated novelist and biographer. Her novel “Els nens de l’Elisa” (2006) was awarded third prize in the 24th Ramon Llull Novel Award. This was followed by “The Dead Writer” (2008), “Lowering Clouds” (2009), “La mirada del fill” (2012) and the biography on Salka Viertel “The Salon of Exiled Artists in California” (2020). Núria won the 18th Joan Fuster Prize for Fiction, fourth place for international writing at Shanghai get-Together. They have awarded her with prestigious grants: NVL (Finland, 2016); SWP (China, 2016), BCWT (Sweden, 2017); IWTCR (Greece, 2017); UNESCO City of Literature (Poland, 2018); IWTH (Latvia, 2019 and 2023) and IWP (China, 2020). For a more detailed background of the author, visit her webpage www.nuriaanyo.com.