Hi there, to all you lovers and creators of music and the arts. I’ve had a lifetime of music, playing, singing and composing. I’ve also been involved in many creative aspects of musical theatre, television and broadcasting, and lately, also the writing of story books. All of these, I’ve discovered, need a vivid imagination along with plain ordinary hard work. Writing novels, like composing, starts with a figment, or a spark of an idea that you are able to expand in all directions, slowly creating larger than life characters and the building of your story. After that comes the editing, or re-writing, which takes as long as writing the book. People often ask me, ‘How do you write a novel? ‘One word at a time.’ I tell them. I live, and love living in South Africa, with my wife, Elaine, my children, grandchildren and dogs. We also have a wide circle of friends and enjoy our mutual sharing of experiences, opinions and ideas.