Elaine Taylor-Klaus

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ELAINE TAYLOR-KLAUS, MCC, CPCC. A Master Certified Coach, Elaine helps parents stay sane while raising complex kids. She is also a certified co-active coach, public speaker, author, educator, and cofounder of ImpactParents.com, and the co-creator of Sanity School® for Parents and Sanity School® for Teachers, online Behavior management training programs. A presenter of workshops and seminars worldwide, she provides training, coaching, and support for parents at all stages of managing complex kids. She served as a parent adviser to the American Academy of Pediatrics Chapter Quality Improvement Initiative on ADHD, and served as a volunteer on the national board of directors of CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD). An advocate for neurodiversity inclusion in all areas of life, including coach training, she is the mother of three complex young adults. Elaine lives in Atlanta with her husband and is committed to improving the lives of complex kids and their families. Her most recent book is The Essential Guide to Raising Complex Kids with ADHD, Anxiety, and More. Her previous book, Parenting ADHD Now!, is a 2018 National Parenting Products Award Winner.
