Stuart is a writer with a lifetime of experience as an entertaining and inspiring speaker to large and small audiences. He grew up on the Texas Gulf Coast and now lives in Northern Virginia. His undergraduate studies were in Sociology and Social Work at the University of Texas in Austin and he has a Master of Divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary, Episcopal. He chooses to not write specifically for the Christian genre in hopes his writing would have an impact on a larger audience. That decision allowed his first novel, Henry on Fire, to become required seventh-grade reading in a local public Middle School. By spending time with each class before they read the book, he is able to introduce them to the process of writing and rewriting. He shares how experiences of his own life are changed and transformed into the experiences of the characters. After they finish the novel he answers their questions and hears their critiques. For this work, he received the Prince William County School Community Hero Award. His themes in writing and in talking with his readers are about change. We are all changing and at this point in their lives, they have a lot of change happening. He believes we can’t stop change but we can choose who we are becoming.