Michael O. Slobodchikoff has published many peer-reviewed articles. He has published several books. His first book, entitled Strategic Cooperation: Overcoming the Barriers of Global Anarchy was published in 2013, his next book, entitled Building Hegemonic Order Russia’s Way: Rules, Stability and predictability in the Post-Soviet Space, was published in 2014. His third book, entitled Cultural Imperialism and the Decline of the Liberal Order: Russian and Western Soft Power in Eastern Europe was published in 2019 and is coauthored with G. Doug Davis. He is an Associate Professor of Political Science as well as Chair of the Political Science Department at Troy University. He specializes in relations between Russia and the former Soviet states, international conflict and peace, security, and comparative politics. He is a regular contributor to Russia Direct, and has often served as an analyst on Russian relations with Ukraine for BBC World News as well as Voice of Russia Radio.