Deirdre Fay, MSW is a thought leader invested in helping people move their lives forward to Live, Work, and Love UnTriggered. She has 35 years of experience exploring the intersection of trauma, attachment, yoga and meditation which she calls a “Modern Day Bodhisattva Training.” A Bodhisattva is someone who transforms suffering into compassion. Healing then is not an accident but the sure result of consistent and persistent practice to develop a Solid, Steady, Secure Self. Having meditated since the 70’s, then living in a yoga ashram for six years in the 80’s and 90s Deirdre brings a unique perspective to being in the body. In the 90’s Deirdre was asked to teach yoga and meditation to those on the dissociative unit at a major teaching hospital. Having amassed skill sets in trauma treatment (as a supervisor under the guidance of Bessel van der Kolk at the Trauma Center), attachment theory (13 years of training with Daniel Brown, PhD), embodying compassion (Compassion Focused Therapy; Mindful Self Compassion), body therapy (as a trainer in Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and LifeForce Yoga Practitioner) Deirdre uses an integrative approach which Chris Germer calls “a radically positive approach to healing trauma.” Her best-selling third book Becoming Safely Embodied (2021) is based on the life-changing skills groups for clinicians and clients. Deirdre is also the author of Attachment-Based Yoga & Meditation for Trauma Recovery (W.W. Norton, 2017), Becoming Safely Embodied Skills Manual (2007), and co-author of Attachment Disturbances for Adults (W.W. Norton, 2016) as well as the co-author of chapters in Neurobiological Treatments of Traumatic Dissociation.