Abhay Joshi


Abhay B. Joshi is a writer, teacher, programmer, and personal coach currently residing in Seattle, USA. For his work, he divides his time between Seattle, USA, and Pune, India. As a writer, Abhay writes non-fiction pieces about programming, education, personal philosophy, and professional development. In addition, he likes to write stories and poetry that touch upon philosophical and emotional aspects of the life of today's global professional. Abhay loves the English language, and he is always willing to help anyone improve their written English through personal coaching and proofreading. As a teacher, Abhay's area of interest is teaching "Computer Programming as a medium for learning". He teaches Scratch (and other languages like Snap, Python, etc.) to middle and high school students and helps them do creative work while picking up valuable analytical skills. He also conducts teacher training workshops for people who are interested in this idea. Abhay has written several books on programming for children and young adults. Abhay works as a professional coach/mentor and helps small businesses as well as individual professionals in solving their current problems and opening up future opportunities through dialog and team-work. Abhay has had 20 years of working experience, which includes the entrepreneurial experience of running his own software services business for about 12 years. Abhay has a long industry experience as a programmer, and he continues to explore programming as a medium for learning and intellectual entertainment. Abhay is deeply interested in music. He plays the violin and the keyboard and enjoys several types of music. Abhay's personal website: http://www.abhayjoshi.net Email: abjoshi@yahoo.com



