Richard A. Fariña (please don't forget the tilde above the n) was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1957. As a child, he wanted to become a football (=soccer) player. When he realised his skills fell short of his dreams, chose to study science.
He's married to colleague Ángeles Beri and has a daughter, Eva (who, by the way, decided to be NOT a scientist but an artist...). He lectures palaeontology in the Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República, Montevideo. As a researcher, he likes to be cautiously daring. Sometimes he achieves it.
He enjoys writing scientific papers as well as popular books, like the awarded "Hace Sólo Diez Mil Años" (with Sergio Vizcaíno, Fin de Siglo, in its 6th edition), "Megafauna para niños" (with Mariana Di Giacomo and Mauro Muyano, Fin de Siglo) and "Megafauna. Giant Beasts of Pleistocene South America" (with Sergio Vizcaíno and Gerry de Iuliis). He also performed and directed science documentaries.