Kari L. Ronning


Kari Ronning is a life-long Alaskan who was transplanted at a young age out of Texas. Her passion for folklore, legend, myths and especially all things elf-related, has inspired her to be a prolific writer. A University of Alaska graduate with a Bachelor’s in Art, Kari surprised her instructors with her organized and systematic approach to creating and storytelling, both narrative and visual. Since grade school, Kari Ronning and A.M. Gagnon have been forming stories. With the establishment of Three Muses Ink, they found the vehicle by which they could share their creations with others. When not writing and drawing, Kari can usually be found with her cats and dog, ever creating a wide host of craft disciplines from crochet to painting, beading, sculpting and putting together whatever comes to her imagination.  Please visit www.3MusesInk.com



