David Meade


You can visit my personal web page at: http://writers-web-services.com My Planet X book, like all documents I produce, is a mission-specific briefing, in a class of its own. It will enable you to live through what is about to happen, and not even bat an eye. I take the smallest details and wrap them up into the big picture, the End Game. Planet X - The Arrival in 2017 - is light years ahead of any other data you can obtain. It looks at everything from an astronomical, a geopolitical, and a spiritual viewpoint. Combining all 3 viewpoints is essential. There's no other book like it! It is a complete study of the major conspiracy of this century. If you understand this, you understand everything! It is a major work of art in print form. The jet stream of the northern hemisphere has shifted to the south of the equator for the first time ever. I believe that this shift is caused by an incoming dark star solar system, a binary twin of our sun, that is coming at us toward the south pole. This system also came in the days of Noah. It totally destroyed the earth's surface and his civilization and world, but not the planet itself. This solar system has moons and/or planets orbiting it just as our sun has planets orbiting it. The dark star was called Nemesis by the ancient Sumerians. One of the planets orbiting Nemesis was called Nibiru by the Sumerians, a planet that will come by the earth with so much gravitational and magnetic pull that it will create the horrors described in the book of the Revelation. Our people are calling this Planet X. It's a page-turner. Buy it now! If you're looking for a good novel, try "Mysterious Islands." It's a 65,000 - word CIA thriller set in the exotic countries of Vanuatu, Bermuda, the Bahamas, Sark, Nevis and South Africa. I also write columns for the online News Magazine "Planet X News."



