Hello there. I'm Jim Murison, I have been writing for near 17 years now and have decided it is about time I had some of them published. Being a dyslexic author it is with some trepidation I finally submit my work for publishing. I Know many will ask why I haven't gone to a professional editor with my novels, in actual fact I have. After I picked myself up off the floor I realised that my novels are simply going to have to pay their own way. As a normal working man and the price of editing the same as about a couple of weeks in a top hotel in the Bahamas, a holiday I have to say I have never been able to afford in my life. It began to dawn on my the real journey had only just began. Even after drafting in all my family and friends to help me edit I am still coming across the occasional error so for these first editions I can only ask patience and forgiveness. I promise as time passes I will save the money from these books and eventually have them edited by a professional, that will become the second edition, however as I have already pointed out they will have to pay their own way. Who knows, in they years to come these first editions with all their errors may one day become the most valuable.
My early works, which consisted of over 60 poems and a dozen short stories, have been published before in hard back, paperback and electronic form all over the World. My passion however is my novels. I am a character writer and have discovered they more often than not the characters write the stories for me, leading me on some wild adventures, dictated by their own personality's as they begin to develop as the novel progresses.
Most of my heroes are Scottish or Highlanders and most but not all set in Scotland. Romance, drama, Science Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy Adventures, War; these are the offerings I bring to the world of fiction. Click on the cover of each book to view a taste of what is in store and I sincerely hope you will join me on one of my adventures. I have a J W Murison page on Facebook if you wish to join me there. Now most of my titles are available in paperback as well as kindle format.