Andrew Stotz, Ph.D., CFA is an award-winning stock market analyst who had 20 years on the clock at investment banks before starting A. Stotz Investment Research, a research and advisory firm in Asia. He is a co-founder of CoffeeWORKS Co., Ltd., a leading specialty coffee roaster and a former two-term CFA Society Thailand president. He is driven by empowering and helping people to achieve their goals through sharing his financial expertise. No matter if you're a student, someone who wants to take control of your own finances, a fund manager for a global institution or a Fortune 500 CEO. His most recent book, "How to Start Building Your Wealth Investing in the Stock Market" will get you started with investing in the stock market to achieve your financial independence. The teachings in this book have been described as "Spectacularly simple, yet unbelievably enlightening!" Investing does not have to be complicated, difficult, or time-consuming. In this book, Andrew takes his lifelong experience about investing and distills it down to 12 easy-to-understand investment principles. Every day you wait to invest is a day that the stock market is not helping you to achieve financial freedom. Don't wait one more day! Andrew’s second book, Transform Your Business with Dr. Deming’s 14 Points, Andrew breaks down Dr. W. Edwards Deming's revolutionary 14 Points into a simple, concise book that will help you transform your business. Some topics covered include: the futility of inspecting to improve quality, the need for elimination of performance appraisals, the damage caused by sub-optimization, and the need for focus on total quality management. This short book has the power to transform how you think about business and the treatment of employees, while helping you focus on what really matters in your business. Stotz will guide you through Deming's points, giving clear examples that will help you improve your company from the top down and change the way you think about leadership and management. An avid yoga student, cyclist, and wellness aficionado, Andrew has a passion for life and an infectious positive attitude toward it. When he's not contorting on the mat, on the bike whizzing round a nearby park, or at the table munching on measured doses of organic fresh fruit and vegetables, he also enjoys reading and spending time with his family.