Alexander Unzicker


Alexander Unzicker is a German theoretical physicist and science writer. His book "Vom Urknall zum Durchknall" (English Edition: "Bankrupting Physics") won the award 'most controversial science book of the year' by "Bild der Wissenschaft". Unzicker criticizes untestable theories such as string theory or cosmic inflation, but also the so-called standard models of particle physics and cosmology, which, according to Unzicker, are too complicated to be credible. "The Higgs Fake" is a merciless critique of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and of the theoretical model on which the world’s most expensive experiment is based. In "Einstein's Lost Key" (2015), Unzicker reexamined a forgotten idea by Albert Einstein from 1911 in which Einstein proposes a variable speed of light instead of a spacetime-curvature formulation of general relativity. In "The Mathematical Reality" (2020) Unzicker argues fundamental physics must consider contants of nature and eliminate them. Accordingly, space and time need to be replaced by more fundamental concepts in a completely satisfactory description of reality. "Make Physics Great Again" is a historical account of the differences in the scientific traditions of Europe and America.



