プログラミングでなにができる? 第2版:ゲーム・ロボット・アバター・スマホアプリ・Webサイト…将来につながるモノづくりを体験! 子供の科学★ミライクリエイティブ (Japanese Edition)
Kazuhiro Abe is a Smalltalk programmer who has participated in many enterprise projects in Japan. He met Alan Kay in 2001 and started his career as an educator. He organised Japanese Squeak communities Squeak-ja and Squeakland.jp, with his friends. He has conducted hundreds of Etoys workshops in cooperation with VPRI and other NPOs. He created a small sensor device named the "World-Stethoscope" for science exploration. Abe-san teaches at the Cyber University and some real universities in Japan. http://www.squeakland.org/about/people/bio.jsp?id=14