When MARGARET NYMAN was a child, she wanted to become a writer. Though she pursued this through college and grad school, marrying Nate in 1969 and having seven children changed her story line significantly. After nearly forty years of marriage with the children grown, Margaret and Nate were looking toward retirement when a deadly cancer diagnosis rewrote their story, and forty-two days later, Nate was gone. Blogging out her feelings helped Margaret work through the gut-wrenching pain. Thousands of readers related to her experience and were encouraged by her posts which became HOPE FOR AN ACHING HEART. A second book followed: PRAYERS FOR A WIDOW’S HEART. In the summer of 2019, a new book will be published, this one for moms of children newborn to five years: THRIVE AND SURVIVE, ZERO TO FIVE: 2 Sisters, 14 Children and What We Wish We’d Known from the Beginning.