Bill Palmer retired as an A350 captain, instructor, and check airman for a major international airline. As a member of his airline’s A330 development team for the introduction of the airplane to its fleet, he has been intimately involved in the A330 fleet since 2002. He was the lead author and editor for the airline’s A330 systems manual and has written numerous A330 training publications. He has served as an airplane and simulator instructor, check airman, designated examiner, and also on training-related projects from video production to simulator certification. Bill started flying at 15, soloed on his 16th birthday and completed his private certificate at 17. He attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and holds a BS in Aeronautical Science. He earned his flight instructor certificate in 1978 and has been instructing almost non-stop since then, while holding airplane, instrument, multi-engine, glider, and ground instructor certificates. Besides light aircraft he has also taught on the 727, 757, A320, DC-10, A330 and A350, and written manuals for the DC-10, A330, A350, and B-787 fleets. He has also produced numerous training publications and videos for the various fleets as well. Bill holds an ATP with type ratings in A320, A330, A350, B757/767, B777, DC10, and commercial glider and flight engineer-turbojet ratings flight instructor for Airplane single and mutiengine, instrument, and glider. In gliding, he is an active cross country pilot, and flight instructor and holds a diamond badge with 750km Diplome. He also runs two websites dedicated to glider aviation.