Lorraine Carey

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Lorraine Carey is not only a paranormal enthusiast but has had many unexplained events in her lifetime and has used these as a focal point in her fiction novels.

Most of Carey’s books were written during the course of nine years while living in the Caymans with her husband. The island was the perfect inspiration for her.

As a veteran Reading Specialist in elementary schools, Lorraine began to write for Young Adults hoping to inspire young readers. Her students always loved hearing her spooky tales. Jonathan’s Locket was a finalist in the Wind Dancer Film Contest back in 2014.

Lorraine currently resides in St. Petersburg, Florida where she is a private tutor for young children. She continues to write and is planning on joining up with a paranormal investigative team. Her empathic abilities seem to attract the spirits giving her even more motivation to continue writing.
