Marty Folsom lives in the vibrant state of Washington. He completed his PhD at the University of Otago in New Zealand. He has taught in New Zealand and several Seattle area schools for 30 years and has maintained a counseling practice for over two decades. He is an academic who believes that learning needs to be accessible and practical. He and his wife have extensive gardens and a blended family of six, and Marty is an avid cook. His trio of Face to Face books discuss the nature of personal relationships. They are packed with practical insight, as well as personal stories to guide the process of discovery. The first two books discuss what is missing in our relationship and how the life of the relational works. These books are like Martin Luther's 95 Theses: they present what needs to be discussed and changed in what is becoming an impersonal, individualistic world. The third is a profound relational theology that invites us to share God's life. These are excellent books for discussion groups, small group studies, starting a conversation with a friend, or just reading to reflect on what a meaningful life looks like when we pay attention to relationships. Dr Folsom is writing a 5-volume series on Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics to bring the insights of the greatest theologian of modern times to pastors, young scholars, and those wanting renewal in the world aligned with God's work. "Its all about relationships" is the theme that runs through all this author's works. Understanding God, our connecting with God and one another, and our own growth as persons all focus on this relational connection shaped with others. Dr. Folsom lives as a bridge between the academy and the church and the world. He brings the voices of God to be heard by those who will listen, clarified by great thinkers, to address the concerns of our times. He brings the questions of humans to the academy to gain deep insight into strategies for fulfilling relationships.