John R. Polito

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Welcome! I wish I were a whale sound expert, with you visiting to hear a mother humpback calling her calf to dinner. Still, to me, nicotine's intrigue is nearly as fascinating.

A former 30-year three pack-a-day smoker, on May 13, 1999, just 3 days prior to taking my last puff ever, I was hopeless. Totally! In fact, after my prior failed attempt I declared myself a real drug addict, promising to never attempt quitting again. Well, anyway, half was true.

It's my dream to awaken the entrenched nicotine addict to the calm, quiet and beauty awaiting them here on easy street. The challenge? Having them belief me over the wanting they'll feel for that next fix. I'm just words. Their wanting is as real as the never-smoker's urges and wanting for food. In fact, the overlap between the brain dopamine pathway circuitry for food and nicotine is substantial.

Why do half of adult smokers smoke themselves to death, each an average of 13 to 14 years early (male & female U.S. rates)? Because, to them, life without smoking nicotine is almost as unthinkable as life without food. It became food.

I was there. Nicotine was my low cal killer diet too.

How do we motivate humans to attempt the unthinkable? It's the greatest challenge I've yet encountered.

It's one thing to motivate, educate and support them once they come up for air. That's the easy part. It's another thing, entirely, getting a lumbering whale to surface. Come to think of it, I don't know which is more challenging, learning whale talk or penetrating the nicotine addict's thick protective layer of dependency denial. But I promise to keep experimenting.

Breathe deep, hug hard, live long,


John R. Polito

Nicotine Cessation Educator


Goose Creek, South Carolina USA

