Bryant A. Meyers

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Bryant Meyers (B.S., M.A. Physics) is a bestselling author and leading expert in the field of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy and energy medicine. Bryant is a former TV show host and former Physics/Math Professor at Central Michigan. For over 25 years Bryant has researched, tested, tried, and investigated over $1,000,000 worth of energy medicine devices, studying with many of the world's experts. He has personally helped thousands of people with energy medicine and PEMF therapy devices to achieve pain relief, better sleep, and overall better health. During the past 15 years, Bryant has dedicated his research to PEMF therapy because he feels it is THE most effective and best researched energy medicine device available today. Bryant's book, PEMF - The Fifth Element of Health was featured on the Brian Tracy Show that aired on ABC, NBC, CBS and Fox affiliates across the country. Bryant has also been featured on GaiamTV, Hayhouse Radio, and has given many lectures and classes on PEMF Therapy. His book is available on Amazon and many other leading booksellers.

Update 2023 - Bryant is Currently a faculty Member at Quantum University and where he has a course on PEMF and energy medicine. Bryant can be reached for a free PEMF consultation at 9419280124.
