Lola Allen

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Lola Allen likes to write books that have an 'urban' theme; she also enjoys writing romantic fiction and fiction that empowers the woman.

Passionate about literature and writing, Lola Allen completed an MA in Creative Writing at Birkbeck, University of London, which she believes has helped to shape her writing immeasurably. The products of which are her début novel, 'The Heartless Game', as well as her short stories: 'Recluse', 'Disintegration' and 'Pancakes', which were all written as part of her MA course.

"A friend of mine tried to put me off doing the course, saying it was a waste of money and I didn't need to do it, as good writers are born, not made. I for one have no regrets and can honestly say that the course has helped to strengthen my writing. I already knew that I could write, but the MA helped me to hone this skill. Unleashing it in a way that I never thought possible."

Her most influential writers include: Jane Austen, Emily Bronte, Charles Dickens, Jean Rhys, Toni Morrison, Frances Harper, Zora Neale Hurston, Alex Wheatle, Chimamanda Adichie and Chinua Achebe (to name but a select few).

You can find more about Lola Allen at lolaallencom.
