Kelly Hart


Kelly Hart has been involved in media most of his life, initially working as a professional photographer, and then branching into cinematography and animation. He has produced many film, video and DVD programs related to his interests in sustainable architecture, cultural education, and animal behavior. He recently published a book of photographs that he took as a young man in the San Francisco Bay Area, titled "San Francisco's Psychedelic Sixties: A Photographic Trip with Kelly Hart" As a writer, he has established several websites related to sustainable architecture and written numerous articles on this topic. has been active since 2000 and was established soon after. Now he hosts and as well. Kelly has completed three books in his Green Home Building series. These are "Rolling Shelter: Vehicles We Have Called Home," Remodel Green: Make Your Home Serve Your Life," and "Earthbag Architecture: Building Your Dream with Bags". Kelly has had a lifelong interest in building and has worked in construction professionally. For many years he did remodeling for clients and also on his own projects. He once built his own house with innovative earthbags and papercrete. Together, Kelly and his wife, Rosana Hart, produce video programs and publish books and market them. Their website describes many of the books and DVDs that they sell. One DVD that they produced is titled "A Sampler of Alternative Homes: Approaching Sustainable Architecture", which profiles numerous natural building methods and tours many homes and interviews the builders or owners. This program, along with one about building an earthbag house, called "Building with Bags" is available on the websites. describes a solar electric vehicle that Kelly built and drove around his community for many years. Kelly patented a process for making animated movies that involves manipulating a continuously malleable pigment directly under a camera. The resulting animation appears like an oil painting in motion. Kelly continues to be an advocate for sustainable living through his writing and occasionally training people in specific building techniques.



