Collin Carbno

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Collin Carbno was born in Saskatchewan, Canada, spent his school years in Saskatchewan, Ontario, and Manitoba. Collin's background consists Bachelor of science (1974) with double major in mathematics and physics at Brandon University, followed by a Master's degree in Theoretical Physics (1977) (General Relativity & Quantum Field Theory) at University of Saskatchewan, followed by Ph.D. work (1979) in General Relativity at University of Regina. Collin spent 34 years at Sasktel before his retirement in 2013 : real time assembler, C, C++ programmer (1979-1983) on alarm systems for fibre optics, application planner (1983-1984) , system administrator for Vax systems (1984-1985), business consultant in the Information Center promoting end user computing ( 1986-1988), in human resources in Communication and Connectivity Group - Advanced Technologies as a Technical advisor (1989-1990) evaluating new technologies , and then as business analyst (1990-1991) doing process improvement initiatives, business Analyst in Project Portfolio group (1992-1996) , IT systems reviewer (1996-1998) - setting system direction on aging and troubled systems, process methodologist in Information System (1998-2013) promoting Capability Maturity Model best practices, agile, and other development process improvement initiatives. As of 2013, Collin has a professional physicist designation (P. Phys.) and information system's professional designation (I.S.P.)

Collin has numerous interests and hobbies such as music - guitar - mandolin- piano, oil painting, physics, mathematics, Esperanto, Dead Sea Scrolls study, early Christianity, and ancient history. Photography is one of his hobbies, and he wrote a special digital picture processing software to process his digital pictures.

Collin is married and has two grown children. Faith has played a key role in his life, he gave his life to Jesus Christ at the age of 5 years, through the years been active in Church life, Intervarsity Christian fellowship, bible studies, and Christian education. Currently he is Christian education chair at the church where he attends.
